Welcome to Gauger Motorsports!![]() As the Industry began to change so did the trucks. In 1995, Gauger Motorsports introduced their first tube-chassis race truck Quadzilla. It featured four-link suspension and nitrogen shocks built by Roger himself. Quadzilla II was also built by Roger and completed in 2002. It featured several improvements over its predecessors including improved chassis and suspension. This chassis was extensively redeveloped and became a new identity in 2021. Through a licensing agreement with Everett Jasmer, the creator of the legendary USA-1, Gauger Motorsports was able to bring the identity back into competition in 2015 with an all new, state-of-the-art machine. This truck represents the forefront of Monster Truck technology with continual improvements made to it over the last six years. Gauger Motorsports ran the USA-1 name until 2020. ![]() In 2021, two new Gauger Motorsports identities were debuted, County Mounty and Bootlegger. 2022 was our biggest year to date... having almost 50 events around the US to include the TNT Unfinished Business show and both 4 Wheel Jamborees. Gauger Motorsports takes great pride in the knowledge and attention to detail when it comes to building and operating the Monster Trucks. After 31 years in the industry, competing all over the country, five trucks, and five identities later Gauger Motorsports is looking forward to the 2024 season.
Tags Gauger Motorsports, american monster truck team, monster truck, monster truck racing, freestyle, 4x4, County Mounty, Bootlegger, Roger Gauger |
©2025 - Gauger Motorsports | Roger Gauger, owner Maintained By Shinn Technology Services Corporation |